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  • Based on 2025 ON commercial driver's licence manual
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ON Air Brake Test 10

Welcome to Ontario Commercial Air Brake Test 10. This exam will guide you through air brake components with 50 questions. Equip yourself with the knowledge you need to pass the official exam the first time around.
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. Why are automatic slack adjusters utilized?
  2. As brakes wear naturally, what happens to the brake pushrod stroke?
  3. An air dryer purge occurs at about the same time as
  4. What is the most distinct and permanent feature used to identify long-stroke brake chambers?
  5. Which is not correct? During a brake adjustment inspection, you should mark the pushrod at the brake chamber or a suitable fixed reference point with...
  6. When testing the low-air warning system, how often should you engage and disengage the brake pedal?
  7. Given that adjustment limits depend on the size and type of air-brake chamber, what do you need to identify?
  8. What happens when brakes with manual slack adjusters are improperly adjusted?
  9. When conducting a vehicle inspection, why is it advisable to park on level ground?
  10. Which statement is not true? Long-stroke brake chambers can be identified by...
  11. How far should you drain the air supply tank while inspecting the air-tank drain valves?
  12. The pushrod stroke of each air brake chamber should not exceed...
  13. When measuring the air-loss rate, why should the initial drop in pressure be ignored?
  14. How many methods are there to measure the applied pushrod stroke?
  15. When does a vehicle fail the air-tank drain valves test?
  16. When inspecting brake adjustment, how should the pushrod marks be?
  17. In Ontario, who is qualified to re-adjust manual slack adjusters?
  18. Brake wear occurs at different rates depending on...?
  19. To bring a vehicle to a halt in the same distance when its weight has been doubled, the braking force should be what?
  20. What powers the compressor in a vehicle's air brake system?
  21. Where does a compressor pump the air in a vehicle's braking system?
  22. What is leveraged to gain a mechanical advantage in a braking system?
  23. What causes the wheels to stop spinning in a braking system?
  24. What could result from improperly adjusted brakes on one or two wheels of a vehicle?
  25. What influences the distance needed to bring a vehicle to a complete stop?
  26. What is the device that provides compressed air in a brake system known as?
  27. What is a common device used to obtain a mechanical advantage in braking systems?
  28. If a vehicle's compressor is belt-driven, what should you inspect the belts for?
  29. What term is used to denote air that has been forced into a smaller space?
  30. What is transmitted through an air brake system using compressed air?
  31. Where does the heat generated from the friction between brake drums and linings go?
  32. Which statement is untrue about the stopping distance?
  33. In an air brake system, what does the unloading stage signify?
  34. If a vehicle's speed is doubled, by how much must the braking force be increased to stop in the same distance?
  35. What is the optimal operating temperature for most brake linings?
  36. Approximately how long does it take from identifying a hazard to applying the brakes?
  37. What is the maximum operating temperature for most brake linings?
  38. Above what pressure will the compressor not have to pump air in the system?
  39. The compressor must start pumping air into the system by the time that air pressure falls to
  40. Which of the following is not one of the main components in a basic air brake system capable of stopping a vehicle?
  41. Overheating in brakes could lead to what adverse condition?
  42. When both the weight and speed of a vehicle are doubled, the braking force must be adjusted by what factor to stop in the same distance?
  43. What term is used to describe the time taken for air to travel through a properly maintained air brake system?
  44. When brakes generate heat, where does this heat eventually go?
  45. Which component controls when the compressor pumps air by monitoring the minimum and maximum air pressure in the system?
  46. What does the friction between brake drums and linings produce in a braking system?
  47. What is the determining factor for the amount of heat the brake drums can absorb?
  48. What does the term loading stage signify in an air brake system?
  49. Why is the sensation different when operating air treadles compared to hydraulic brakes?
  50. What is the consequence of not maintaining slack adjusters within their specified limits?
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